AKA Management
AKA Management

AKA Management

If you were an aspiring artist or musician, even established already looking to grow, AKA Management was your point of contact.

Performing as a one-stop shop agency with the expertise to steer artists in the right direction, AKA’s brand was modeled after a sun-lit stained glass window to give it a metaphorical nod to a church in the sense that AKA is the bishop/prophet set here to guide the artists in the congregation. But the metaphor is subtle only lending itself to a sense of irony because AKA is far from a church and it was important to keep that edgy and exciting appeal to it’s primary audience. Keeping things vibrant with a secondary color scheme coupled with the right imagery brought this brand to life and lead it to the success that it was.

AKA Managemet’s brief career was ultimately transformed into Ox Red Marketing after rapid growth demanded a rebrand and bigger and better clients.

  • Category : Branding / Coding / UI Design
  • Date : November 5, 2015